Thursday, December 30, 2010

Egyptian statue antique

Egyptians sculpture antique, petung comes from baei or metal,these sculptures are very creative so it has high artistic value, youcan find it in Yogyakarta

Iron art from Bantul, Indonesia

Iron art from Bantul, Indonesia, view

stone art from Bantul, Indonesia

Stone art from Bantul, Indonesia. view

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Jumprit, Temanggung

This tourist attraction located 26 km from Waterford City is locatedprecisely in the District Ngadirejo. Jumprit water eyes, Waterford is known as the holy water that is often used for religious ceremonies. Not many people know the exoticism of nature in the hills of Waterford City. Not many are also paying attention to the piece oftangible history of the ancient Javanese buildings and inscriptions,the sign that always invite a dialogue with the past.

Curuk Trocoh

Curuk Trocoh is located in Waterford Tretep Tawangsari district about 38 km northwest from the city of Waterford, suitable to be enjoyed in this holiday season.

To go to these natural attractions, should be along the path, up and down the hill, along the 1.5 km. Maize plants owned by residents that lies either side, adding to the beauty of the panorama. The cool mountain air far from pollution, will loosen the chest, get rid of toxins that reside in the blood. Melodious singing of birds will be brought along the journey.

On top of the hill, as far as we see that there is a panorama of picturesque villages that are still beautiful. Rustic with patches of rice fields that surrounded her. In the sky, eagles circling the earth memeta hunt prey. An exotic Bhumi Phala..

Gondosuli temple

The temple is located in the Village Gondosuli FurDistrict, about 12 kilometers north of Waterford. The location of this temple is quite strategic, being on the path to some otherattractions in County Waterford as Temple Pringapus, WanaWisata Jumprit, Curug Surodipom also adjacent to the MountSindoro-Cleft.

Gondosuli Temple is perhaps one of the temple which has not somuch known to the general public (lay), including Waterford owncommunity. Unlike other temples, temple Gondosuli up to now is below the soil deposits. Indeed there are some parts of stonetemples that have been found in excavations redundant, butaccording to many experts, Temple Gondosuli very large so that the excavated area can drown the whole village. It is estimatedGondosuli Temple is a former royal palace. King named Rahayan Patapan who embraced Hinduism. Although most of thestone-renewal of the temple was still covered with soil, but inbetween rocks that have been found there are some who haveprivileges. For example, there is a Yoni rectangular-shaped stonewith a hole in the middle-middle.

Inside the hole there tersbeut Yoniwater according to local people is never dry, even in the dry season. Yoni these holes are still considered to have magical powers. Yoni In addition, there is also a semicircular stone.According to the story, the antiquity of the stone half-circle that is often used King Dang Karayang Pupalar to be imprisoned if his kingdom to face the threat

Pringapus Temple

Pringapus Temple relic is an ancient Hindu temple, situated in the village Pringapus, Ngadirejo District, County Waterford with a distance of about 19 kilometers from the city of Waterford. This temple is historically established in 772 C or 850 F according to the inscriptions found in around the temple was held restoration in 1932. The existence of a good Hindu temples and Buddhist temples are always associated with the elements of cosmology, the element of the universe as a source of human life.

He was made to bring the figure of the deity that she missed, which has the strength and power to create, maintain at the same time destroy the life: he is a symbolic manifestation of religious belief of certain people, and he also established to confirm the greatness and power of a king or queen who ruled a region. Thus, a temple was built with the creation in such a way so as to give emphasis on the elements of the universe, for example elements of mountains, rivers, seas and so on.

Inscription Gondosuli

Inscription in the village Gondosuli Fur District, about 13kilometers to the west of Waterford city of Indonesia, a silent witness to the heyday Dinasty dynasty. In this area there are ruins GONDOSULI Hindu Temple which was built by the king's son named Rakai Rakarayan Syailendra Patapan Pu Palar whichalso brother of the king Rakai Mataram Garung.

GONDOSULI inscriptions written in Old Javanese letter of five linesand contains about philosophy and expression of independenceand the triumph of dynasty.

Borobudur, it takes a long time to build it

Historian J.G. de Casparis in his dissertation for a doctorate at 1950 argues that Borobudur is a place of worship. Based on the inscriptions Karangtengah and Kahulunan, Casparis estimate the founder of Borobudur is the king of Mataram dynasty named Samaratungga, who do construction around the year 824 AD The giant new building could be completed at the time of her daughter,Queen Pramudawardhani. Borobudur Construction estimated totake 50 years

Sahara desert rock

Sahara desert  rock, link

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

stunning scenery in the desert

stunning scenery in the desert, the landscape has become highly valued intention pouring sand into the wind to make this artistic and deserve to be called word art beauty

homes in the cliffs

Homes in the cliffs, the house is very unique. The above picture is the former residence or house on the edge of the cliff like a cave in the middle east.

unique tree art

Unique tree art, dry tree trunks and branches only just become a tree is very artistic and have high artistic value.

elephant shaped stone

Take a look! elephant-shaped rock in the middle of this large bund once researchers mention weighing more than 20 tons. This stunning views of the peninsula encountered in Canada.

Monday, December 27, 2010

7 Building creative with the development of the world's longest

1. Angkor Wat
Substantially completed in mid-12th century, Angkor Wat temple is the result of the government of the kings in the Kingdom of Cambodia Khmer. It is a complex of worship is very broad and is surrounded by a stone wall along the 2.2 miles. Starting in the wake of about 802 AD and was completed around 1220 AD
 2. Stonehenge
No one knows exactly how Stonehenge was made, an estimated 5,000 years old. It is a big project that requires many centuries to complete. Each stone weighs 4 tons and must be moved to be withdrawn as far as 240 miles from south wales into place now in Wiltshire.
3. Petra
It is a city built on hills in Jordan with stone carving stone hill. Was built around 600 BCand completed around 250 BC. 
4. York Minster Cathedral
Construction of this major new project to be completed in 1472. This cathedral is one example of the victory of medieval technology both in terms of equipment and design. Created has 3 towers, each standing 200 feet tall, a remarkable thing at the time, was built in 1220 AD and was completed in 1472 
5. Sacsayhuamán

Sacsyhuaman is a form of imaginative grandeur of civilization in South America. The city is built with incredible precision cutting tool, so that no cement is required to accumulate the carved stones, however the stones were still intact in place until now. Was built around 1445 AD and was completed around 1508 AD 
6. The Great Pyramid
Pyramid is a building that is not foreign. Egypt's largest pyramid is a pyramid made for King Khufu around 2500 years BC. Is the world's tallest manmade structure until the establishment of the Eiffel Tower. Created with exceptional geometric accuracy, and is made by combining the science of astrology is very accurate down to a matter of millimeters. Until now unfinished debate on the transportation of stones, each weighing 2.5 tons. was built around 2.580 BC and completed around 2.560 BC. 
7. Parthenon
Was built around 447 BC and completed around 430 BC. The Parthenon was made on the Acropolis hill above the city of Athens. Construction project is arguably more remarkable since in his time the Greek insyinyur can create a building that detailed and aesthetically beautiful. This makes sense because the Parthenon was built to worship the goddess Athena.

6 World's most unique apartment building

Blok 16 in  Almere, Netherland.

3D Blog, Slovenia
Arakawa Apart, Tokyo
V&M in Kopenhagen, Denmark
Habitat 67, Montreal's
Waldspirale Apart, Germany

7 phenomenal beauty of art in the world

Lenticular Clouds

Lenticular Cloud, is a strange cloud formation in the form of a strong wind over and around rough terrain. Clouds are formed by wind or flowing humid air stable and strong throughout the day on a mountain or mountains, so the clouds seemed to move at all.

Fire Whirls

Vortex of fire or a storm of fire, is a rare phenomenon that causes the fire went up and form a vortex, so that the form of tornadoes and actually moving upward in the vortex  fire. Vortex is often formed during forest fires. Vortex of fire can be shaped as high as 30 to 200 feet and 10 feet wide, but generally only to survive in a matter of minutes. This rare phenomenon is a result of extensive bush fires and then hit by a cyclone, so the more heat and burn all the dilewatinya.Diperkirakan, a combination of fire with dry air increases the temperature of the fire itself, so the more ferocious fire engulfed object.
Orange Moons
Sinkholes are one of nature's most frightening phenomenon in the world. Over time, water continuously eroding the surface of the underground. In some cases the ground suddenly collapsed into the earth. Lots of holes occurs naturally through the process while the other is an act of man himself. Grinding the soil can make the soil cavity, while the damaged pipe can erode soil sediment that was previously stable underground.
Light Pillars
The colors of this ice kristas towering toward the sky in a vertical. You could say Pilars Light is a local phenomenon but a towering colorful it can be seen from a distance and many people are often fooled because it looks like the Aurora,Penitentes
Penitentes is the formation of snow found at high altitudes. the form of hardened snow that thin bar-shaped and oriented in the direction of high general of the sun. phenomenon snow tapering upward caused by strong winds in the mountains of the Andes.Sundogs
Sundogs Named for additional sun it looks like a sweet dog who sat next to his master, the sun. Sundogs is phenomenon whereby sunlight reflected off the ice in the cloud layer that makes it like a spread, and resembles the sun. This event often occurs in areas which cold be in season. Collection of this light can look like balls that make us think that if this light is an additional sun.When he was getting away from the sun, its color will change leads to blue. Sundogs are generally colored red when he was at the closest distance from the sun.

Art creations from old tires

Art creations from old tires, see the link source

The Stone House, in Portugal

This locally manufactured homes meticulously carved from a large piece of stone. Although owned by ordinary citizens, many trips to the top of this hill in Guimaraes to take photos and admire this unique residence.

my heart was creating